

Symptoms Of Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhoea is the second most common STI in the UK and it can cause infertility in penis owners & vulva owners when left untreated.

50% of vulvas and 1 in 10 penises don’t show any symptoms and it can develop months after sex – great reasons to get regular tests!

Did you know recently a strain of ‘Super Gonorrhoea’ has developed that is resistant to antibiotics?

If you do show symptoms, however, these are some of the common signs:

  • Unusual green or yellow discharge from the penis or vagina.
  • A burning/sting when you pee.
  • Pain in the tummy.
  • Swelling of the foreskin.
  • Tenderness in the testes.

You can also get Gonorrhoea in the rectum, throat and eyes.

Causes Of Gonorrhoea

You CANNOT catch Gonorrheoa from kissing, hugging, sharing towels, swimming pools, toilet seats etc.

It CAN, however, be spread through:

  • From mother to baby (can be treated during pregnancy).
  • Unprotected sex (vaginal, oral & anal).
  • Sharing your toys without washing between uses.

Treatments Of Gonorrhoea

Once you have been tested for Gonorrhoea (a simple swab) and it comes back positive you will be given antibiotics to treat this.

It will usually be an antibiotic injection and a single dose of tablets.

You will then be invited back for a second test 4 weeks later to check you are in the clear – only then should you have sex again.

You must inform your previous partner so they can get a test.

Some clinics offer an anonymous text service in case you don’t feel comfortable telling them. Remember to not play the blame game.

⚡ I am not a health professional. I am qualified in RSE but I am not a doctor. Content for this page has been drawn from the NHS website and Brook.org.uk. Please head over to these great sites for more details.

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